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Friday, October 28, 2011


When we started this journey of adoption, we were on the waitlist updards of 20 people. 7 months later, we are excited to say that we are now number 5! Things may not being moving as quickly as we had origionally hoped, but the Lord has perfect timing and gives us renewed strength in our waiting (Isaiah 40:31).

So what have we been doing? Well, if you know anything about Vanessa and I, it is that we are rarely idle for long. Vanessa is enjoying her work and is ramping up for her 4th busy season. I (Randy) was recently was promoted to Systems Engineer and is doing more network/server projects. I have also been in the middle of my master thesis, a consulting project for a Chinese healthcare IT company (If you've seen the bags under my eyes lately, it is because of too many midnight conference calls with China!). Both of us also continue to serve with youth, a joy and calling that has grown us and been such a blessing.

Some of you may have noticed that the thermometer on the left is completely at the top. No, it isn't an error, we really did surpass our goal thanks to some VERY generous givers. We want to thank everyone who donated to the adoption puzzle, your gift will make a huge impact on bringing together our family and we are eternally greatful! We have started to put it together and will post pictures when it is complete.

I have had some people ask about still being able to give. We are out of puzzle pieces, but we will be doing another fundraiser after we receive a referral for travel expenses. Also, if you know anyone with a bunch of Delta miles that they will never use, plant the seed of gifting those to help bring our child home (Delta's European partners are the primary carriers to DR Congo). Most of all, please continue to pray for us and our family.

"For in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith." - Galations 3:26